Sunday, November 14, 2010

Quiet Before the Storm

Photo Credit: Life

Thankfully, Hubby volunteered to take Baby out of the house early this morning to pick up some groceries for the week leaving me at home with a few minutes of quiet.

I'm always ambitious about these precious moments, "Oooohhh goody! I'll get the whole house cleaned and bake some bread and make up the pizza for the birthday party this afternoon!"

Five minutes later and I find myself relaxing on the sofa with a cup of coffee catching up on my blog reading...

I think I find blog reading so relaxing because it lets me into the lives of other women (and one man) out there for a brief moment and I feel that I am not alone in my quest to juggle all the aspects that life as a parent/homemaker/career woman/artist brings. 

One of my newer blog interests is at A Laborer in the Vineyard authored by one of my former classmates at St. Joseph's College at the University of Toronto. I am impressed with A.'s beautiful crafts, beautiful daughters and reflections on life and childbearing.

The reason I've titled this "Quiet Before the Storm" is that a group of eight wonderful one-year-olds and their parents is about to descend on my house later this afternoon for a birthday party. It will be an afternoon of crazy toddler fun with the group of parents that we met at our childbirth preparation class last fall. We've stayed in touch now for over a year and since most of the kids have their birthdays in November/December, we decided to just have a big party to celebrate everyone's birthdays.

Maybe wasting a bit of time enjoying the  quiet of this morning isn't such a bad idea after all...

DIY Rating: 10 
for taking a few minutes out of the day 
to just do nothing important at all...

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