Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fightin' Words!

Photo Credit: The Vibe

I have been hearing about martial arts for about a year from my horseback riding coach who has become addicted to Jiu Jitsu. I've been thinking about joining up and trying to get in shape for a while now and decided that last night would be the "maiden voyage" to the dojo for a ladies' drop-in kickboxing class.

Overall, it was a fun work out and there was a good vibe with the other ladies that were there. As someone who often has trouble with "right" and "left," my general lack of coordination didn't hinder things too much. The Sensei was good with helping me pace myself as a beginner. If you're looking to get into shape, this is a good overall workout.

If you're a little more hard-core, they have all kinds of activities involving serious martial arts and  fighting. For now, I think the only knife seminar I'm up for is one that involves making stir-fry!

If you're in the Kingston or Belleville area, the dojo is located in Odessa:

Sensei Stan Chisholm

Martial Concepts
119 Main Street Odessa
613 449-3828

Women's Fitness Kickboxing - Wednesdays from 7-8pm
$10 per session

DIY Rating: 8

Since I don't believe in running and 
prefer a social fitness activity, 
this is a good fit for me and may bring me 
closer to fitting back into my pre-maternity clothes...

You will hurt in the morning!



  1. I totally approve! Maybe, come January, I will also do something along these lines... I've been meaning to get into Yoga but haven't found the right time!


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