Eternal public and university library addicts, we are always reading and listening to and watching new things here at The Do-tique. There will be occasional posts on some of the things we're enjoying here in case you want to check them out yourself. Posts will be filed on the "Books and Miscellanea" page for future reference.
Feel free to send your suggestions!
Filia Artis, Handyman Hubby and Baby
Bob Dylan
Many of our friends are big Dylan fans, but we are somewhat inexperienced here at the Do-tique in the Dylanmania. A recording came home from the library recently
Tell Tale Signs: the Bootleg Series Vol. 8
Everyone, especially Baby, loved the album. Especially the bluegrass revival aspect and the somewhat "Johnny Cash meets Leonard Cohen and make a good love child" sound. It was a good record for dancing in the living room to and for hopping in the Jolly Jumper.
Filia Artis is busy reading
This is a story about Jamaican immigrants during post-war England. It is told from the perspective of three characters. The first is Queenie, an Englishwoman who houses boarders in her London home and has upset her neighbors by taking in colored guests. Then, there are two Jamaicans, Hortense and Gilbert. Hortense grew up in Jamaica and married Gilbert after knowing him a very short time in order to be able to emigrate to England. Gilbert's experiences take the reader through his time as a volunteer for the RAF during the war and his return to England to live in Queenie's home, a woman he became acquainted with during the war.
Handyman Hubby has an album of classical music also from the library on re-play this weekend.
He is still not sure how to put into words why he likes it so much, but it is enjoyable music for reading along to or more concentrated listening. Prokofiev is a 20th century Russian composer (d. 1953). According to the liner notes:
"At his first public appearance as a composer-pianist in that city (St. Petersburg) in 1908 (age 17) he performed some of his short piano pieces - including the tempestuous Suggestion diabolique - and was immediately regarded as ultra-modern and something of an 'enfant terrible'."
Baby is currently a big fan of Sleepy Time and The Book of Daniel. Both are edible and cosy. One has hungry lions. I would put a photo up, but she has them both cuddled into bed with her at the moment.
That's a very nice assortment of books and music. I was also listening to that Dylan CD yesterday. Prokofiev is my third favourite Russian composer (after Shostakovich and Weinberg). Hubby, you should try his piano sonatas.